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Install Helm Chart Using Ansible

Published: at 12:00 AM
Helm Image
photo by: Loik Marras

Hosts File

First we need to create a hosts file to let Ansible access the Kubernetes node machines.

For Kubernetes nodes the hosts file is as the following …

master ansible_host= ansible_port=622 ansible_user=kube-admin ansible_password=****** ansible_sudo_pass=******

worker1 ansible_host= ansible_port=622 ansible_user=kube-admin ansible_password=****** ansible_sudo_pass=******

For installing the helm chart you may do not need to workers node group and ansible_sudo_pass parameters. So if you want to only add helm installation you can remove those.

Ansible Kubernetes collection installation

To enable your system to run Kubernetes Ansible commands you need to install Kubernetes ansible collection first, using below command.

ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core

Config File

Then we need create a file in Ansible project with .yaml file extension.

- hosts: master
  become: yes
    - name: Add <example> Helm repo
      become: yes
      become_user: <kube-admin>
        name: <example-repo>
        repo_url: <https://example.helm.chart.repo>

    - name: Install <Example>
      become: yes
      become_user: <kube-admin>
        name: <example-release-name>
        chart_ref: <example-repo>/<example-chart>
        chart_version: <0.0.1>
        release_namespace: <example-namespace>
        update_repo_cache: true
            enabled: true

Consider that we should replace all code part inside <> characters. And also override the value properties.

And finally we run ansible-playbook -i hosts <file-path/file-name.yaml> with replace our relative file path inside <>.